With Prepay Utility Services, Everybody Wins
Utilities deliver higher customer satisfaction by providing visibility and control.
Prepay helps customers reduce consumption, pay off debt, and easily budget for utilities. Driving higher customer satisfaction, lower operating costs, and delivering on sustainability goals are key utility objectives. Prepay greatly improves the relationship between the customer and utility provider, while empowering consumers to manage their usage responsibly.
In this way, everyone wins; the consumer, the utility – and the environment.
Consumers Win
Prepay means no more deposits, late charges, or connection fees. Customers choose when, where, and how often to pay. Feedback is real-time and consumption is reduced. Customer satisfaction is through the roof.
Utilities Win
Happier customers equal a healthy business and workforce. Lower operational costs. Reduced consumption leverages existing infrastructure and defers future capital expenditure.
The Environment Wins
Prepay has demonstrated 10% reduction in utility usage. That means fewer power plants and reduced pressure on infrastructure. Customers who manage their consumption benefit the world we all share.
What People Are Saying About PayGo

“The number one thing customers like about Prepay is the ability to have control over their power bill and to be able to pay when they want to pay. They feel that’s an awesome ability that they’ve never had in the utility space.”
Ronnie Noble
Director, Customer Service
Georgia Power

“PayGo offers a total package that includes billing, payment, and customer notifications — and the solution is flexible enough to meet changing customer needs.”
Carrie Harkness
Consumers Energy

“The whole thing is just really terrific to me. What I love is that you’re going to get an alert that says, “You have $10 left. Based on your usage patterns that $10 is going to last you this long because it’s going to be hot.” It lets you actually see that, there’s a visual that goes with it. It takes that Smart Meter and makes the customer a smart user of that meter.”
Liz Coyle
Executive Director, Georgia Watch Consumer Advocate